Monday, January 5, 2009

Flipper Looses $1,000,000 at The Plaza

Two new condos at the Plaza Hotel have just been listed for less money than the original purchase price. The first is a 1,212 sq. ft. one bedroom on the 15th floor. In July 2007 it sold for $5.873 million. Today it is back on the market for a mere $4.9 million. That is a loss of almost $1 million per bedroom! Don’t expect the fireplace to work at this bargain basement price. It is for decoration only.

The listing is being handled by Halstead. Here is a closer look:

The second unit being sold at a loss is a 2,841 sq. ft. 3 bedroom on the 17th floor. In this case, the price drop is almost trivial. It’s been listed at $14.5 million, down from $14.674 million in May 2008. The condo is owned by a charitable arm of NY Presbyterian Hospital. It was donated to them last spring.

You can see more details at Warburg. In the meantime, here are a few photos.

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