Saturday, January 3, 2009

Catskill Home Prices Plunging

Here's what you can get for $279K

and it comes with 1.6 acres of land

Some sellers have had to reduce prices by a third or more which means that many house prices have dropped below $200,000. A Catskills real estate blog, called the situation an “economic Armageddon.”

How bad is it? In November, Sullivan County’s largest brokerage, Yeager Realty, with 40 agents closed their offices, after a 24-year run because business is so bleak. The New York Times drills down and gives a better look at the current housing environment in the Catskills. NYT

This house is only $185K

5+ acres of land

Top house: $279K in Woodstock / 4 bedrooms Westwood Realty
Bottom House: $185K in Barryville / 4 bedrooms David Knudsen

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