Saturday, January 3, 2009

US Seizes Terrorist Owned 650 Fifth Avenue

650 Fifth Avenue was built for the Shah of Iran

The United States Federal Government announced that it is seeking the forfeiture of a 40% interest in the 36 story office tower 650 Fifth Avenue at 52nd Street, alleging that the company which owns these shares is illegally transferring money to Iran, Hamas and other terrorist groups. The profits from this building are massive. This money have have been used to support anti US fighting in Iraq over the past 7 years.

We are shocked that it has taken so long for anyone in Washington to figure this out. Anyone who’s know’s their NYC history might be aware of the very public fact that the building was designed and built for the Shah of Iran in 1979. That is some pretty sad intelligence work considering that the NY Times did a number of stories on it during the time.

The NY Times also had a very interesting story about the odd business practices going on there in the early years. Here is the story from 1982. Didn’t this set off any alarms??? NYT

The remaining 60% of the building is owned by the Alavi Foundation

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