Saturday, January 3, 2009

Kelly Ripa Talks About Her House

Not her kitchen!

Kelly Ripa confesses to the NY Post that at a certain point it becomes a necessity to be able to fix things yourself," "I've been married a long time, but when I was a single girl living in the city, there was a time I fixed everything myself."

Q: Tell us about your home and how you renovated it.

A: It was a two-year renovation, and I had to deal with the Landmarks [Preservation Commission] in order to get our building permit. They don't allow barriers or any kind of structures that change the look of the outside. You can't put just any permanent barriers up, so we did natural borders with strong trees around our house - all bamboo and hollies. When you are down on the street, it looks like a forest. When you look up, you would never know someone lives up there!

Q: What is your favorite room in your home and why?

A: The laundry room is my favorite room because I spend so much time there! Between my kids - who are 11, 7 and 5 - I'm always washing clothes. I really would like a chandelier in the room, and I asked my husband, Mark, to hang one. He just put a TV in there for me, and I love it!

Read the rest: NYP

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