Friday, January 2, 2009

Hotel Pennsylvania's Last Days May be Near

rendering of a planned office tower at the Hotel Pennsylvania site

It's was once the largest and grandest hotel in the world. Designed by McKim, Mead & White; it was even the home to the world's first high rise elevator but it may soon be reduced to a pile of rubble.

Vornado has filed paperwork with the city to demolish the 90-year-old Hotel Pennsylvania and build a 2.85 million sq ft office tower in it’s place. The proposed building will be 1,198 ft tall making it one of the tallest building in NYC. (The Empire State Building is just 1,250 ft tall)

One stipulation that the city has in place prior to granting any approvals states Vornado would need to reopen the famed” Gimbels Passageway”; an underground tunnel for pedestrians that runs from Penn Station to the subways at Sixth Avenue and Broadway. (NYO)

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